CBT (chronological bible translation) 

Here are the 77 stories selected from the Bible with teaching points

1. God creates the world 

(Genesis 1:1~2:3)

2. Man & woman 

(Genesis 2:4-10, 15-25)

3. Man & woman disobey God

(Genesis 3)

4. Cain & Abel

(Genesis 4:1-17, 25-26)

5. The flood

(Genesis 6:3-22; 7:1~9:17)

6. Ham sees Noah naked / People build Babel tower 

(Genesis 9:20-29; 10 (brief); 11:1-9)

7. God calls Abram

(Genesis 11:27~12:20)

8. Abram saves Lot 

(Genesis 13~14)

9. God promises a son and land 

(Genesis 15)

10. Abram, Sarai & Hagar

(Genesis 16)

11. God's covenant with Abraham 

(Genesis 17)

12. 3 visitors 

(Genesis 18:1-16)

13. God destroys Sodom & Gomorrah

(Genesis 18:16~19:29)

14. Abraham says Sarah his sister

(Genesis 20:1-18; 21:22-34)

15. Isaac born, Ishmael away 

(Genesis 21:1-21)

16. Abraham & his son Isaac

(Genesis 22:1-19)

17. Brothers betray Joseph

(Genesis 37)

19. God calls Moses

(Exodus 3:1~4:20)

20. God saves Israelites 

(Exodus 12:1-14, 21-42; 13:19)

21. God leads Israelites out of Egypt

(Exodus 13:17~14:31)

22. God provides food & water to Israelites 

(Exodus 15:22~17:7)

23. God commands Israelites

(Exodus 19:1-25; 20:1-21)

24. Israelites worship golden calf

(Exodus 24:9-18; 32:1-35)

26. Miriam & Aaron criticise Moses

(Numbers 11:35; 12:1-16)

27. Moses sends 12 spies

(Numbers 12:16; 13:1-3,6,8,17-33; 14:1-45)

28. Israelites defeat Jericho

(Joshua 1:1-9; 2&3 (brief); 5:13-15; 6:1-27)

29. Achan's sin & Israelites defeat Ai 

(Joshua 7:1-26; 8:1-29)

30. Samuel serves God

(1 Samuel 1:1a, 2-28; 2:11-36; 3:1-21)

31. Samuel anoints David

(1 Samuel 16:1-13)

32. David defeats Goliath 

(1 Samuel 17)

33. David disobeys God's law & he sins

(2 Samuel 11:1-27; 12:1-25)

34. God’s armies around Elisha

(2 Kings 6:8-23)

35. God promises to send Messiah

(Micah 5:2; Isaiah 7:14; 53:2-12)

37. Daniel thrown into lion den 

(Daniel 6)

38. Angels announce Jesus' birth

(Luke 1:26-45, 56; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1, 4-20)

39. John preaches & baptises people 

(Matthew 3:1-17)

40. Satan tempts Jesus 

(Matthew 4:1-11)

41. Jesus - Lamb of God

(John 1:29-34)

43. Nicodemus meets Jesus

(John 3:1-6, 9-12, 16-18)

44. Jesus meets Samaritan woman

(John 4:4-42)

45. Great catch of fish

(Luke 5:1-11)

46. Jesus heals a paralyzed man 

(Mark 2:1-12)

47. Matthew - tax collector

(Mark 2:13-17)

48. Roman centurion believes Jesus

(Matthew 8:5-13)

49. Jesus forgives woman's sin 

(Luke 7:36-50)

52. Jesus' teaching & Jewish traditions

(Matthew 15:1-20)

54. Jesus walks on water

(Matthew 14:22-33)

56. When a fellow believer does wrong 

(Matthew 18:15-17)

58. Jesus heals a blind man

(John 9:1-41)

60. Good Samaritan

(Luke 10:25-37)

61. Lost sheep, lost coin, lost son

(Luke 15:1-32)

64. Jesus teaches about marriage 

(Matthew 19:3-9)

65. Zacchaeus believes Jesus 

(Luke 19:1-10)

66. Jesus & disciples having dinner one last time 

(Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:8; Matthew 26:25)

68. Jesus prays in Gethsemane 

(Matthew 26:30-46)

69. Jewish leaders arrest Jesus

(Matthew 26:47-75; 27:1-5)

70. Roman government questions Jesus

(Luke 23:1-16; Matthew 27:15-31)

71. Jesus dies, how? 

(Matthew 27:32-66*; Luke 23:34-43*; John 19:31-42*)

72. Jesus comes back to life 

(Matthew 28:1a, 2-4; John 20:1-18)

74. Jesus appears to disciples 

(John 20:19-29)

75. Jesus commands disciples, what? 

(Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:4-12)

76. Disciples receive Holy Spirit 

(Acts 2:1-8, 11b-24, 29-41)

77. Believers gather & do what? 

(Acts 2:42-47)


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