Siri Cerita Hikmah
Penyaliban YesusMatius 26:36-39, 47-50; 27:11-14, 15-24; Yohanes 19:17-18, 25-27; Matius 27:45-46, 50-54 |
Matthew 26:36-39, 47-50; 27:11-14, 15-24; John 19:17-18, 25-27; Matthew 27:45-46, 50-54
Yesus Masih HidupMatius 27:57-60; 28:1-8, 11-15; Yohanes 20:3-10; Lukas 24:13-16, 28-35, 36-39, 50-53 |
Matthew 27:57-60; 28:1-8, 11-15; John 20:3-10; Luke 24:13-16, 28-35, 36-39, 50-53
Orang Lumpuh diturunkan dari BumbungLukas 5:17-26 |

credits to the Hong Kong Bible Society for those pictures.